Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Going to School

I have had a dream for some time, well for a long time you could say. I have always wanted to open a little coffee shop cafe thingy. (Yes, I said thingy) My first job was in a coffee stand. I was 14 and I LOVED it. I would get up early on my weekends to open up shop, make lattes and mochas all day and come home smelling like freshly roasted coffee beans. Somehow this has always stayed with me, my love for coffee and making people happy. I mean really what makes you more happy than a delicious latte?!

This dream of mine has been in the back of my heart for some time now and I gave myself a goal. I want this to happen. Marty, knowing this signed us up for a small business class at the college. That's right! We're going back to school. Over the next 10 weeks we will be writing a business plan that will be the next step in making my dream a reality.

So if I seem pre-occupied it's probably because I have homework I should be doing.

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