After snopocalipse 2010 we braved the roads to Oregon. After leaving the peninsula the roads were great! However, trying to travel the day before Thanksgiving on the I-5 corridor was a mistake. What usually takes 4 1/2 hours took us 8 hours!!! Everybody and their brother had the same idea as us. Oh the terror of 8 hours in the car with 2 teenagers, a tween, and an ALMOST 5 year old! Plus you throw me in the mix, the one who has a bladder smaller than an acorn and whose husband bought her a red bull and a cup of coffee. Well let's just say the drive was, uh, interesting.
Isn't Thanksgiving all about the food? I think so. Well not really, but mostly. Needless to say a good portion of the photos I took were of food. I must be obsessed or something.
The bird before she went in the oven.
We had a huge spread of hors d'oeuvres. I'm surprised we could actually eat dinner!
Meanwhile, as my Mom and I prepared food, this guy ransacked the bird feeder.
We fed the ladies leftover veggie scraps and cracked corn.
I love this photo Marty took!
We got to visit with my Brother and Sister-in-Law and our nephews!
We had a wonderful time, ate until we almost burst, played Bingo and Mafia, and were crazy enough to brave Black Friday. With kids in tow!
I am so thankful to have my Family!
Note: there are no pictures of the actual meal because, apparently I was so ravenous with hunger I didn't take any. Oops.
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