Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vacations and miscellaneous

During all the crazy wedding planning Marty and I decided we wanted the boys to have a "honeymoon" too. Meaning a vacation where after all the madness we could spend some time as a family.

First up, the monday after the wedding Marty and I flew out to Hawaii for a wonderful 7 days! Marty had never been and it was an easy chioce for the honeymoon since we didn't need passports and we could do nothing but relax for 7 days.

Our first married sunset in Maui.
Spending some time at Big Beach. This was our favorite beach... the sand was soft and the waves were huge!
We caught up on our reading....

Had a cheeseburger in paradise....

We stayed in a little condo on Maui by Kahana. We had an amazing time!

After we returned home we packed up the car and the kids and headed to Cannon Beach, Oregon. We had a fantastic time!!! I found a condo, one block from the beach with an indoor pool. We spent all our time between the beach and the pool! The weather was a bit grey, but for the most part was pretty warm.

We bought an awesome Red Baron Kite...

Hiked around the beaches and explored lots of tide pools.

We rented boogie boards and wet suits and took to the waves.


On July 26th Marty and I became Husband and Wife. It was a beautifully perfect day. My Groom did an outstanding job setting up the ceremony and reception site. Our vision came together in such a brilliant way.

Thank you to all our family and friends who helped with preparation, set up and tear down, food, and for your love and support. You helped to make our day so special to us. It was a blessing to be surrounded by such amazing people and for you to share in our abundant happiness.
And now, for the photos. (all photos by Cameron Ingalls)

"Union gives strength" - Aesop

Schools out and CAMP!

The last day of school couldn't come fast enough. Because we had experienced snow last winter and missed school due to snow days, there was an extra day added on the the school year. Which to children who are ready for summer is pure torture! Personally I think this is ridiculous. As if one day of missed state curriculum is going to make our children less smart. Sorry for the rant.

Solomon and Julian spent a week at Camp David Jr. on Lake Crecent. It was a little bit touch and go for Julian who has never been away from home for more that one night, let alone 5 nights. But over all he did really well and I think they may even want to go back next year.

Birthday Galore

Summer is birthday season around here.... Julian starts things off in May and right behind him is Solomon in June and Reuben ends things up in August. Then you throw in ALL the other stuff we do, and WHOA, it's busy. So this, in a nutshell is the birthday re-cap!

Julian - May 7th

Chuckie Cheeses = Insanity. We packed up and headed to Silverdale for an afternoon at the house of the pizza mouse. It was, to say the least, exciting. After MASS tokens were distributed, fun ensued like it was Christmas morning! The pizza came, and it wasn't as terrible as I remember it from my childhood. It was all in all, an excellent time!

Solomon - June 3rd

Sol wanted to do something fun, but getting him to make a decision is like watching paint dry... (I'm not sure, but he may have picked that up from me) So after many, many options he finally, after much hesitation decided on a Mariners Game. We walked on the ferry, which, seriously is so much fun in itself... Honestly, since I don't have to ride the ferry two times a weekend anymore, it's so fun now!

We ate outside the ball field, which was almost as much of a joke as eating IN the ball field. $45 for 4 burgers and 2 hot dogs. I fainted right there at the stand. Marty had to revive me with the smell of the actual burger, which was good. BUT yikes, I am in the wrong business.

We had great seats! You could see the field and aside from the rain that forced the roof to be closed in the 3rd inning it was an awesome game!

Reuben - August 28th

Super sweet 16 for Reuben. Okay, not really, the color pink was not involved. We, did however, throw him a surprise party! And he had no idea. Yes, folks, we were able to trick a 16 year old. Which leads me to a scary thought.... My husband and my 30th birthday. *gulp*

We were able to use a lecture hall at the college and hook up not 1, not 2, but 3 gaming systems! We had Rock Band going on the PS3, Halo on the xbox, and Wii sports on the Wii.

It was awesome! I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talkin'!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Human Disco Ball

Wagons Away

Julian and his friend, Luke on a wild wagon ride.

The new '52

Marty and I purchased a "new" 1952 Chevy last weekend. More to come as we fix'er up!


The cat/dog awaits a morsel to be dropped while I prepare dinner.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Breakin' it down

I am going to attempt to get caught up with the blog. Key word, attempt. I have at least 10 posts worth of information so I am going to break them down into just a couple posts instead of one million and give you a crash course on what has happened over the last several months.

We're backin' up to at least April. First things first, SPRING BREAK! We had an awesome spring break. The boys enjoyed NO SCHOOL for a week and we got to meet Marty's long lost cousin Cameron and his wife Anna! Cameron is Marty's great uncle Cam's grandson.

Another tid bit of info, Cameron is a totally gifted wedding photographer and we hired him to shoot our wedding! His wife, Anna, is a amazing photographer as well. Check out their blogs to see just how amazing they are!

Cameron and Anna came all the way to P.A. from San Luis Obispo to take engagement photos of us during spring break. Not only did we get amazing photos but Cameron was able to connect with family he hadn't ever met! We enjoyed good food, fun, and stories!

Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if I ever get back....

Spring also means baseball. Solomon played his second year with Rotary and they had a great season! We endured, sun, rain, wind and a season of hamburgers. There was only one grease fire in the cook shack, thankfully no one was hurt, and no, I wasn't volunteering when that happened.
The boys ended the season in 5th place overall out of 11 teams.