We're backin' up to at least April. First things first, SPRING BREAK! We had an awesome spring break. The boys enjoyed NO SCHOOL for a week and we got to meet Marty's long lost cousin Cameron and his wife Anna! Cameron is Marty's great uncle Cam's grandson.
Another tid bit of info, Cameron is a totally gifted wedding photographer and we hired him to shoot our wedding! His wife, Anna, is a amazing photographer as well. Check out their blogs to see just how amazing they are!
Cameron and Anna came all the way to P.A. from San Luis Obispo to take engagement photos of us during spring break. Not only did we get amazing photos but Cameron was able to connect with family he hadn't ever met! We enjoyed good food, fun, and stories!
Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if I ever get back....
Spring also means baseball. Solomon played his second year with Rotary and they had a great season! We endured, sun, rain, wind and a season of hamburgers. There was only one grease fire in the cook shack, thankfully no one was hurt, and no, I wasn't volunteering when that happened.The boys ended the season in 5th place overall out of 11 teams.
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