The living room was painted a really nice beige color on the walls and a rich chocolaty color on the ceiling. We both liked it the way it was, but decided to make the change to make the room feel bigger. We slaved, well, Marty slaved and I helped. And I still have primer in my hair to prove it!!!
This is the before picture, with the browns.
Bye, bye brown ceiling...
The boys helped for about 5 minutes... and then it got "old" really fast.
Has anyone seen my fiance'?
Viola! Finished, okay not totally finished, we still need to do the cut in work on the accent wall, but for the most part done. And it only took us ALL DAY!!! As you can see it's dark out.

All in all, we're really happy with the result, it makes the room feel much larger and brighter. However, next time we paint, if there is a next time, we will definitley give ourselves more than one day.
All in all, we're really happy with the result, it makes the room feel much larger and brighter. However, next time we paint, if there is a next time, we will definitley give ourselves more than one day.
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