Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Things I love right now.....

In no particular order:
  • Peppermint Tea
  • HD T.V. (shhhhh, don't tell anyone I said that).  We finally upgraded our service and I can't believe we watched such a bad picture for so long.  Food Network has never been better!
  • The Chicago Bears!  We whooped the Eagles and it was AWESOME, even though it wasn't televised, we listened to Bears radio and cheered!
  • Sabra Hummus.  The original flavor, although while looking at their website I discovered they have JALAPENO!  My grocery store doesn't carry this flavor.  I may have to make a phone call.
  • The snow melting!  It's almost gone!
  • Wool socks.
  • My bird friends.  I've had the following visitors, Varied Thrush, Black-capped Chickadee, Steller's Jay, Evening Grosbeak, Eurasian Collared-Dove (this guy is a fatty!), Northern Flicker, and a few others.
We're back to work and school this week after the snow.  The kids had a nice long Thanksgiving break.  We survived our trip to Oregon and had a great Thanksgiving.  More on that later!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Uhm? Really.



So in the last two days we've received (much to our dismay) 12 inches of snow. I took these photos around 1pm yesterday and it was still coming down. As you can tell by how blizzard like the pictures are.

School has been canceled two days in a row. When it snows here it cripples our little town. We don't have the equipment to keep up with this much snow. The roads are covered with compact snow and ice. This has put our Thanksgiving travel plans up in the air. Oh poo. If we wake up tomorrow and the roads are looking okay, we'll drive to Oregon. If the roads are still looking like Antarctica, then we stay home and have mexican Thanksgiving. I'm afraid of the latter because my children will stage a mutiny if I don't cook turkey.

It's currently 22 degrees. The sun is shining. The snow has stopped. But, DANG, is it cold!

In other news, much better news in fact, I won a contest! ME! Isn't that awesome! My dear, darling Husband showed me this really cool blog called BOOOOOOOM.com and I entered a drawing for a pair of Interpol tickets, AND won!

Going to Vancouver in January YO! to see Interpol! Epic date night!

Friday, November 5, 2010